Photo by Elena Tarchi

December 14, 2009

BW's Best of 2K9

Looks like Grizzly Bear is taking home Backwash gold for crafting one of the most beautiful, artistic albums EVER, and the clear defining record of the year. Breakouts Small Black nabbed track of the year for their hypnagogic '09 anthem "Despicable Dogs" (official video below). Scan the rest of the round-up and tell us what ya'll like and what we might of left out. Also, be sure to check out any of these albums/EPs/songs that you might have missed this year while you were too busy worrying about Balloon Boy.


15. White Lies - To Lose My Life
14. Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometowns
13. Memory Tapes - Seek Magic
12. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
11. Girls - Album
10. Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There Are Mountains
9. Au Revoir Simone - Still Night, Still Light
8. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
7. Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms
6. Woods - Songs of Shame
5. Real Estate - Real Estate
4. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
3. Passion Pit - Manners
2. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
1. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest


5. Caddywhompus - Caddywhompus
4. The Drums - Summertime
3. Surf City - Surf City
2. Animal Collective - Fall be Kind
1. Delorean - Ayrton Senna


10. "Velvet" - The Big Pink
9. "Something in the Way" - Best Coast
8. "You Are The Blood" - Sufjan Stevens
7. "Anna" (feat. Noah Lennox) - Taken by Trees
6. "Vacation" - Beach Fossils
5. "Psychic City" - YACHT
4. "Belong" - Washed Out
3. "Never Have Fun" - That Ghost
2. "Walkabout" (feat. Noah Lennox) - Atlas Sound

1. "Despicable Dogs" - Small Black